blog_str_article_author = 'Published by:'; blog_str_article_auto_save_draft = 'Draft autosaved at {0}. ({1} minutes ago)'; blog_str_article_autosave_article = '(This is an autosaved draft.)'; blog_str_article_collection_title = 'Blog Archives'; blog_str_article_config = 'Settings'; blog_str_article_delete = 'Delete post'; blog_str_article_delete_all_autosave = 'Delete all'; blog_str_article_delete_all_autosave_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete all autosaved drafts?'; blog_str_article_delete_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?'; blog_str_article_delete_info = 'Deleting this post will also delete its comments.'; blog_str_article_draft_article = '(This article is a draft.)'; blog_str_article_edit = 'Edit post'; blog_str_article_edit_abstract = 'Abstract'; blog_str_article_edit_access_key = 'Access key'; blog_str_article_edit_access_key_hint = 'Hint for access key'; blog_str_article_edit_access_key_invalid = 'Please enter an access key.'; blog_str_article_edit_allow_comment = 'Allow comments'; blog_str_article_edit_content = 'Create'; blog_str_article_edit_content_invalid = 'Please enter content. Up to 40960 characters are allowed.'; blog_str_article_edit_label_action = 'Label Actions...'; blog_str_article_edit_label_action_field = 'Label actions'; blog_str_article_edit_label_add_new = 'New label'; blog_str_article_edit_label_apply = 'Apply label'; blog_str_article_edit_label_current = 'Current label'; blog_str_article_edit_label_delete = 'Remove label'; blog_str_article_edit_label_invalid = 'Invalid label name.'; blog_str_article_edit_label_new_label_name = 'Enter the new label'; blog_str_article_edit_privilege = 'Reading Permissions'; blog_str_article_edit_reader = 'Readers'; blog_str_article_edit_select_privilege = 'Choose a reading permission'; blog_str_article_edit_show_abstract = 'Show abstract when article is on main page'; blog_str_article_edit_title = 'Title'; blog_str_article_hit_times = 'Hits'; blog_str_article_label = 'Label'; blog_str_article_label_none = 'None'; blog_str_article_need_passwd = 'This is a private post. Enter the access key to read it.'; blog_str_article_need_passwd_hint = 'Hint'; blog_str_article_no_title = 'No title'; blog_str_article_not_exist = 'Post doesn\'t exist.'; blog_str_article_permission_denied = 'You don\'t have access permission to read this post.'; blog_str_article_plz_enter_passwd = 'Enter the access key:'; blog_str_article_privilege_admin = 'Only author'; blog_str_article_privilege_passwd = 'Only people with the access key'; blog_str_article_privilege_public = 'Anybody'; blog_str_article_privilege_user = 'Signed in users'; blog_str_article_publish = 'Publish'; blog_str_article_read_all = 'Read All'; blog_str_article_save_draft = 'Save as Draft'; blog_str_calendar_title = 'Calendar'; blog_str_comment = 'Comments'; blog_str_comment_delete = 'Delete comment'; blog_str_comment_delete_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?'; blog_str_comment_give_comment = 'Post comment'; blog_str_comment_ip = 'From'; blog_str_comment_magic_num = 'Enter the following verification number'; blog_str_comment_magic_num_failed = 'Verification failed. Please try again.'; blog_str_comment_mail = 'Email'; blog_str_comment_name = 'Name'; blog_str_comment_not_allow = 'Comments not allowed'; blog_str_comment_time = 'Time'; blog_str_common_about = 'About'; blog_str_common_action = 'Action'; blog_str_common_add = 'Add'; blog_str_common_apply = 'Apply'; blog_str_common_cancel = 'Cancel'; blog_str_common_close = 'Close'; blog_str_common_delete = 'Delete'; blog_str_common_error_nochoosefile = 'Please choose a file.'; blog_str_common_exceed_maximum = 'The entries has reached its limit.'; blog_str_common_fail = 'The operation failed.'; blog_str_common_firsttext = 'First page'; blog_str_common_lasttext = 'Last page'; blog_str_common_loading = 'Loading...'; blog_str_common_nexttext = 'Next page'; blog_str_common_no = 'No'; blog_str_common_no_data = 'No entries.'; blog_str_common_noconfig = 'This module is not available for setup.'; blog_str_common_noconfig_short = 'Setup unavailable'; blog_str_common_of = 'of'; blog_str_common_ok = 'OK'; blog_str_common_page = 'Page'; blog_str_common_prevtext = 'Previous page'; blog_str_common_refreshtext = 'Refresh'; blog_str_common_remove = 'Remove'; blog_str_common_reset = 'Reset'; blog_str_common_save = 'Save'; blog_str_common_session_timeout = 'Changes are not saved because the connection has expired or you\'ve been signed out. Please sign in and set up again.'; blog_str_common_setting_saved = 'Changes were saved.'; blog_str_common_setup = 'Customize'; blog_str_common_start = 'Start'; blog_str_common_submit = 'Submit'; blog_str_common_success = 'Successful'; blog_str_common_system_error = 'Error Message'; blog_str_common_update = 'Update'; blog_str_common_yes = 'Yes'; blog_str_email_ap_name = 'Synology Photo Station 3'; blog_str_email_comment_body_1 = 'Hello'; blog_str_email_comment_body_2 = 'A visitor has left a comment for you.'; blog_str_email_comment_subject = 'You\'ve got a comment!'; blog_str_friend_link_link = 'Link'; blog_str_friend_link_name = 'Title'; blog_str_friend_link_title = 'Friends'; blog_str_google_ad_desc = 'Paste the Google AdSense code here to display your Google ads.'; blog_str_google_ad_title = 'Google AdSense'; blog_str_home_account_removed = 'Your account is removed.'; blog_str_home_blog = 'Blog'; blog_str_home_login = 'Sign in'; blog_str_home_logout = 'Sign out'; blog_str_home_management = 'Settings'; blog_str_home_photo = 'Photos'; blog_str_home_welcome = 'Welcome'; blog_str_label_cloud_all_label = 'Labels'; blog_str_label_cloud_no_label = 'No Label'; blog_str_label_cloud_title = 'Labels'; blog_str_list_autosave = 'Autosaved drafts'; blog_str_list_date = 'All posts on {0}'; blog_str_list_draft = 'Drafts'; blog_str_list_label = 'All posts with label {0}'; blog_str_list_no_label = 'All posts without a label'; blog_str_list_search = 'Search Result of {1}'; blog_str_login_account = 'Username'; blog_str_login_desc = 'Enter your username and password to sign in.'; blog_str_login_error = 'Username or password is invalid. Please try again.'; blog_str_login_error_account_disable = 'Your account has been disabled. Please contact the administrator.'; blog_str_login_passwd = 'Password'; blog_str_man_account_accessible_album = 'Accessible'; blog_str_man_account_account_existed = 'This username is used by others.'; blog_str_man_account_account_invalid = 'Invalid username.'; blog_str_man_account_add_user = 'Create'; blog_str_man_account_album_access = 'Access Permissions'; blog_str_man_account_basic_data = 'Information'; blog_str_man_account_choose_user = 'Please select a user account first.'; blog_str_man_account_delete_user = 'Delete'; blog_str_man_account_delete_user_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete the user'; blog_str_man_account_description = 'Description'; blog_str_man_account_disable_account = 'Disable this user account'; blog_str_man_account_displaying = 'Displaying accounts'; blog_str_man_account_email = 'Email'; blog_str_man_account_failed_confirm_passwd = 'Failed to confirm password.'; blog_str_man_account_lock_info = 'Forbid user to change account information'; blog_str_man_account_non_public_album = 'All Private Albums'; blog_str_man_account_other_setting = 'Other Settings'; blog_str_man_account_passwd = 'Password'; blog_str_man_account_passwd_confirm = 'Confirm password'; blog_str_man_account_set_as_admin = 'Set as admin'; blog_str_man_account_status = 'Status'; blog_str_man_account_title = 'User Accounts'; blog_str_man_account_update_user = 'Edit'; blog_str_man_account_user_disable = 'Disabled'; blog_str_man_account_user_enable = 'Enabled'; blog_str_man_account_username = 'Username'; blog_str_man_album_choose_album = 'Please select an album.'; blog_str_man_album_dialog_accessible_user = 'Allowed Users'; blog_str_man_album_dialog_album_access = 'Access Permissions'; blog_str_man_album_dialog_all_user = 'All Users'; blog_str_man_album_dialog_allow_comment = 'Allow user comments'; blog_str_man_album_dialog_basic_data = 'Information'; blog_str_man_album_dialog_other_setting = 'Other Settings'; blog_str_man_album_dialog_set_public = 'Set as public'; blog_str_man_album_grid_description = 'Description'; blog_str_man_album_grid_displaying = 'Displaying photo albums'; blog_str_man_album_grid_name = 'Photo Album'; blog_str_man_album_grid_public = 'Public'; blog_str_man_album_grid_title = 'Title'; blog_str_man_album_grid_update_album = 'Update'; blog_str_man_album_photo_slide_album_to_nonpublic = 'This album is currently used by the Photo Slide module. If you change it to a private album, the slideshow will stop displaying. Are you sure you want to continue?'; blog_str_man_album_title = 'Photo Albums'; blog_str_man_blog_article_num = 'Number of posts on the main page'; blog_str_man_blog_article_num_desc = 'Select the number of posts you want to show on the first page.'; blog_str_man_blog_autosave_interval = 'Autosave interval'; blog_str_man_blog_autosave_interval_minute = 'minutes'; blog_str_man_blog_backup = 'Back up blog'; blog_str_man_blog_backup_desc = 'Back up blog posts, comments, labels, and module settings to a backup file.'; blog_str_man_blog_backup_error_file = 'Incorrect file format.'; blog_str_man_blog_backup_error_free_space = 'The available disk space of this system is insufficient.'; blog_str_man_blog_backup_plz_wait = 'System is now backing up or restoring system configurations. Please try again later.'; blog_str_man_blog_basic_setting = 'Basic Settings'; blog_str_man_blog_basic_setting_config_value = 'Setting'; blog_str_man_blog_btn_choose_image = 'Choose Image'; blog_str_man_blog_choose_image = 'Choose an image'; blog_str_man_blog_choose_setting = 'Select a setting.'; blog_str_man_blog_config_name = 'Item'; blog_str_man_blog_enable_blog = 'Enable the blog function'; blog_str_man_blog_function_backup_restore = 'Backup'; blog_str_man_blog_function_enable_disable = 'Blog Function'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic = 'Banner picture'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_current = 'Current picture'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_desc = 'A picture of 800x190 resolution will show best on the first page. Max image file size: 500 KB.'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_fwrite_error = 'Error occurred when writing file.'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_not_image = 'This file is not an image file.'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_plz_choose_file = 'Select an image file to upload.'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_plz_wait = 'Please wait...'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_size_error = 'The image file size must be smaller than 500 KB.'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_use_custom = 'Browse for more pictures'; blog_str_man_blog_header_pic_use_default = 'Use the system default picture'; blog_str_man_blog_header_title = 'Banner title and description'; blog_str_man_blog_header_title_content_too_long = '4096 characters max. Please modify.'; blog_str_man_blog_layout_2_left = '2 columns (left)'; blog_str_man_blog_layout_2_right = '2 columns (right)'; blog_str_man_blog_layout_3 = '3 columns'; blog_str_man_blog_layout_setting = 'Layout'; blog_str_man_blog_module_arrangement = 'Modules'; blog_str_man_blog_module_in_left = 'Left column'; blog_str_man_blog_module_in_right = 'Right column'; blog_str_man_blog_module_move_down = 'Move down'; blog_str_man_blog_module_move_left = 'Move to left'; blog_str_man_blog_module_move_right = 'Move to right'; blog_str_man_blog_module_move_up = 'Move up'; blog_str_man_blog_module_setting = 'Module Settings'; blog_str_man_blog_module_unused = 'Modules not in use'; blog_str_man_blog_page_title = 'Blog title'; blog_str_man_blog_plz_drag_drop = 'Drag and drop modules to decide the layout.'; blog_str_man_blog_plz_select_module = 'Please select a module'; blog_str_man_blog_restore = 'Restore blog data'; blog_str_man_blog_restore_alert = 'Restoring blog data will delete the current blog content in the system. Are you sure you want to continue?'; blog_str_man_blog_restore_desc = 'Restore blog posts, comments, labels, and module settings from a backup file.'; blog_str_man_blog_restore_select_file = 'Select a backup file'; blog_str_man_blog_show_synology_logo = 'Display the Photo Station 3 default logo'; blog_str_man_blog_sticky_article = 'Article to show on the top'; blog_str_man_blog_sticky_article_cancel = 'Cancel shown on the top'; blog_str_man_blog_sticky_article_desc = 'Choose the article to be always shown on the top.'; blog_str_man_blog_sticky_article_set = 'Show on the top'; blog_str_man_blog_title = 'Blog'; blog_str_man_common_album_num = 'Albums per page'; blog_str_man_common_album_order = 'Album Setting'; blog_str_man_common_album_order_arrange = 'Rearrange'; blog_str_man_common_album_order_arrange_desc = 'Drag and drop albums to rearrange the order.'; blog_str_man_common_album_order_preference = 'Sort by preference'; blog_str_man_common_album_order_sharename = 'Sort by folder name'; blog_str_man_common_cus = 'Customize'; blog_str_man_common_lang = 'Language'; blog_str_man_common_lang_auto = 'Browser default'; blog_str_man_common_lang_desc = 'Display language'; blog_str_man_common_lang_dsm = 'Same as Disk Station Manager'; blog_str_man_common_piclens_surpport_setting = 'PicLens Support Setting'; blog_str_man_common_piclens_surpport_use_orig = 'Allow PicLens to display full size photos.'; blog_str_man_common_style = 'Style'; blog_str_man_common_style_1 = '1_bunny'; blog_str_man_common_style_2 = '2_beach'; blog_str_man_common_style_3 = '3_kitty'; blog_str_man_common_style_cus = 'Custom'; blog_str_man_common_style_default = 'Default'; blog_str_man_common_style_desc = 'Themes'; blog_str_man_common_style_preview = 'Preview'; blog_str_man_common_surpport_download_orig = 'Allow users to view full size photos.'; blog_str_man_common_surpport_download_orig_title = 'Other Setting'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort = 'Default Thumbnail Order'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort_order = 'Sort order'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort_order_asc = 'Ascending'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort_order_desc = 'Descending'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort_type = 'Sort by'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort_type_create = 'Date files created'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort_type_name = 'Filename'; blog_str_man_common_thumb_sort_type_shot = 'Date photos taken'; blog_str_man_common_title = 'Photo'; blog_str_man_general_title = 'General'; blog_str_man_help_account = 'User Account'; blog_str_man_help_category = 'Category'; blog_str_man_help_overview = 'Overview'; blog_str_man_help_title = 'Help'; blog_str_man_log_clear_all = 'Clear All'; blog_str_man_log_clear_all_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to clear the logs?'; blog_str_man_log_displaying = 'Displaying logs'; blog_str_man_log_log = 'Log'; blog_str_man_log_time = 'Time'; blog_str_man_log_title = 'Log'; blog_str_man_log_type = 'Type'; blog_str_man_log_user = 'User'; blog_str_man_management_title = 'Synology Photo Station 3 Settings'; blog_str_man_user_title = 'User Information'; blog_str_module_admin_draft = 'Draft'; blog_str_module_admin_publish_new = 'New post'; blog_str_personal_information_name = 'Item Name'; blog_str_personal_information_title = 'About Me'; blog_str_personal_information_value = 'Description'; blog_str_photo_slide_album = 'Album'; blog_str_photo_slide_current_album = 'Current album'; blog_str_photo_slide_interval = 'Interval'; blog_str_photo_slide_interval_seconds = 'seconds'; blog_str_photo_slide_photo_title = 'Image title'; blog_str_photo_slide_title = 'Slideshow'; blog_str_recent_article_num = 'Number of recent posts to display'; blog_str_recent_article_title = 'Recent Posts'; blog_str_recent_comment_num = 'Number of recent comments to display'; blog_str_recent_comment_title = 'Recent Comments'; blog_str_search_key_error = 'Search entry cannot contain + " \' \ and space.'; blog_str_search_title = 'Search'; blog_str_statistical_data_title = 'Statistics'; blog_str_statistical_data_total_article = 'Total posts'; blog_str_statistical_data_total_comment = 'Total comments'; blog_str_statistical_data_visit_today = 'Today\'s visitors'; blog_str_statistical_data_visit_total = 'Total visitors'; blog_str_style_background_color = 'Background color'; blog_str_style_background_image_attachment = 'Image display'; blog_str_style_background_image_possition = 'Image position'; blog_str_style_background_image_repeat = 'Image tile'; blog_str_style_background_image_url = 'Image URL'; blog_str_style_background_setting = 'Block Background'; blog_str_style_bg_attachment_fixed = 'fixed'; blog_str_style_bg_attachment_scroll = 'scroll'; blog_str_style_bg_position_bottom = 'bottom'; blog_str_style_bg_position_center = 'center'; blog_str_style_bg_position_left = 'left'; blog_str_style_bg_position_right = 'right'; blog_str_style_bg_position_top = 'top'; blog_str_style_bg_repeat_all = 'all'; blog_str_style_bg_repeat_no = 'no repeat'; blog_str_style_bg_repeat_x = 'horizontal'; blog_str_style_bg_repeat_y = 'vertical'; blog_str_style_block_album_item_desc = 'album_holder'; blog_str_style_block_body_desc = 'body'; 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